Editorial policy

We provide a forum where treasurers come to share techniques, problems, experiences and solutions. 

We are guided by what interests our members: from regular checkups on how to do things like cash management and pooling in specific countries, to longer term issues such as ESG, risk management and how technology is changing the way we work. All views and opinions are welcome - and respected.

A good session is one where every participant gets to share what they are doing, and learn from the others - even if the main takeaway is that you have not missed anything significant. This provides value to an expert, who validates the finer details, or to someone who reads a report on a topic they have not yet had to deal with. 

At the same time, we try to harness the impressive brainpower and experience of our members to push the boundaries from time to time - to try to pick out emerging trends and help busy people step back for a few minutes to look at things your busy day doesn't always let you get to. 

The value is created by the members. Treasurers are a special community.